We all know how messed up our current situation is. We believe that a circular economy is the only solution for a society on a finite planet. Additive manufacturing can be one technolgical solution to turn already existing resoures into new products. By offering better designed and more customized products for decentral 3D printing we hope to enable users to turn recycled filament into new beloved products.
All our designs are made for monomaterial usage. We are working in each collaboration on making small steps towards a circular future.
If you want to dig deeper on circular economy we commend to check out the work of the Ellen Macarthur Foundation and Prescious Plastic. We are currently working on a collection of recommended ressources on building a circular economy.
Our approach of consumer-led production tackles two common problems. Users print accessories and products they only need in contrast to supplying them with an endless stream of unneeded and wanted products that go straight to trash.
In addition we shift the supply chain closer to the actual usage to cut down transportation, emissions and water pollution.
Together with ACAM we are currently working on a white paper on the concept and consequences of co-production.
The United Nations have defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals or just SDGs. With Enable 3D we are working in the field of SDG 12 - sustainable consumption and production. If you want to know more about the challenges and solutions of this SDG check out the resources of the United Nations.