How Long is the Development Time for a 3D Printable Product Line?

When we work with a customer as a product design studio for additive manufacturing, we generally assume the project will last three to six months.

In detail, the development time will of course vary based on the following factors:

  1. Scope of the product line / number of products
  2. Complexity of products
  3. Scope of accompanying services (content, PR, distribution)
  4. Feedback speed in the company

For a small feasibility study, however, you can often assume a few weeks.


Enable 3D - Product Development for 3D printing

Enable 3D is the digital layer to your physical products. In collaboration with you we apply additive manufacturing to enable the circular economy for a more sustainable world. Based on the use cases of your customers we develop and market 3D printing designs like storage solutions, accessory and lifestyle products. Together we reshape value chains with 3D print-at-home solutions.